Central and Shape Setup Considerations
This section contains information on things you might want to consider when setting up and configuring ebs: central or ebs: shape.

The Options window displays system setup and configuration fields.
It can be accessed by clicking the Options button after clicking the ebs button.
If the security key set in the Options window does not match the security key used on the ebs websites, then any users created will not be able to log in because the security key is used as part of the password security algorithm.

To access the Config Inspector window, click the Config button after clicking the ebs button.
Click a line to see which part of the screen it relates to when planning screen changes.

This displays information about the versions of ebs: central modules in use.
It can be accessed by clicking the About button after clicking the ebs button.
Click the open source software link to display the OpenSourceLicences.html page, which identifies all third-party software used by ebs.
Clicking the show licence or hide licence link on this page will display or hide the licence information for the appropriate software product.
Rendering capability tier information displays one of three values (for example: Software rendering, Software/Hardware rendering, or Hardware rendering) that indicate the Microsoft DirectX capabilities of the server and/or client PC running ebs: central and the potential performance.
Rendering tiers are described in the following table.
Rendering tier | Rendering capability label | Notes |
0 | Software rendering |
The rendering capability label is displayed in red to highlight potential performance issues. No graphics hardware acceleration is available for the application on the device. All graphics features use software acceleration. The DirectX version level is less than version 9.0. |
1 | Software/Hardware rendering |
The rendering capability label is displayed in red to highlight potential performance issues. Most of the graphics features of WPF will use hardware acceleration if the necessary system resources are available and have not been exhausted. This corresponds to a DirectX version that is greater than or equal to 9.0. |
2 | Hardware rendering |
The rendering capability label is displayed in green. Most of the graphics features of WPF will use hardware acceleration provided the necessary system resources have not been exhausted. This corresponds to a DirectX version that is greater than or equal to 9.0. |
Refer to Microsoft documentation for further information.

It is possible to configure silent installs for ebs: central and ebs: shape (that is: installations that require no user interaction).
You can use the msiexec command in Windows Server to enable silent installs, as this allows you to perform operations on Windows Installer from the command line. For example:
msiexec.exe /i "ebs4 client installer.msi" /quiet
Quiet Install Selected Features
You can configure the command to only install your chosen features. You can choose from the following features
To identify the features you want to include simply add them to the quiet install command. ex.
msiexec /i " ebs4 client installer.msi" /q ADDLOCAL=CentralProgram,CentralStartMenu,ShapeProgram,ShapeIcon”
This command installs the software, the start menu item for central only and a desktop shortcut for shape only.

You can add database details to ebs: central shortcuts so only the username and password need to be entered on the login screen (for example: you can create multiple shortcuts if you need to access more than one database).
To add database details to an ebs: central shortcut:
- Navigate to the ebs: central .exe file (TribalTech.EBS.Win.exe), right-click the file and select Create Shortcut.
Right-click the ebs: central shortcut and select Properties.
The Shortcut Properties window is displayed.
In the Target field, enter the database type, server name and database name in the format below.
For example:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\TribalTech\ebs: central\TribalTech.EBS.Win.Shell.exe" /databasetype "sql" /databaseservername "EBS-DB05-S\MSSQL_2012" /databasename "a22"
Click OK.
The database details are added to the ebs: central shortcut.

System configuration modules (that is: Screen Manager, Agent 4 Designer, Interfaces Designer, ebs: ontrack Hub Designer and ebs: ontrack Prospect Designer) can be run in safe mode, which can be used to recover in case of rare catastrophic configuration changes that may lead to ebs: central being inaccessible.
To run ebs: central in safe mode:
Create a shortcut for the TribalTech.EBS.Win.Shell.exe file (typically located in C:\Program Files (x86)\TribalTech\ebs4 Client\) by right-clicking and selecting Create shortcut from the drop-down list.
Right-click the shortcut, and then select Properties from the drop-down list.
The properties window is displayed.
Append ' /safemode true' to the file path in the Target field.
- Click OK.
Open the shortcut and log in.
The system configuration modules are available for use.

Access and use of modules and specialist functionality in ebs is controlled by licence keys. A licence key is generated and issued by a member of the ebs licence key team upon the completion of a related purchase.
This section of the software is only available to users logged in as 'webadmin'.
To add a licence:
When you have received an email from the ebs licence keys team, open the Excel spreadsheet attachment.
The spreadsheet lists the current licence key(s) generated for your organisation.
Ensure that the values in the CustCode column matches your institution reference.
Your institution reference is defined on the General (Cross-System) screen in the Institution Settings module.
Open the Licence Admin module by clicking the Licence Admin button on the System ribbon.
The Licence Admin screen is displayed.
In the relevant licence row, exactly replicate the string of characters from the Licence and Date columns in the Excel spreadsheet to the relevant Licence Key and Licence Issue Date columns.
If you edit the institution reference after the licence keys have been input, you will invalidate the keys and not be able to access the software modules or functionality.
On correct entry, the relevant Licence Valid field will display a Y instead of an N.